The Man Who Froze Snowflakes In Time
Wilson Bentley brought the beauty of snow crystals to the public using a technique called photomicrography.
Airport Apiaries, Now Boarding
Several major airports have found a new use for open but restricted space alongside runways and hangars—as a home for beehives.
How Can We Clean Up an Oil Spill?
In this activity from the American Association of Chemistry Teachers, students simulate an oil spill and test different materials’ abilities to “clean” the oil spill.
Habitats Shift As Arctic Temps Creep Above Freezing
As the ice retreats, habitats shift, and certain food chains have begun to crumble.
A Hideous Fungus, A Nutritious Snack
A Canadian researcher is cultivating a ghastly looking fungal disease into a gourmet snack.
How Can We Build Homes That Are Resistant to Mold?
Test which building materials will be resistant to mold after a flood or hurricane.
Dogs, They’re Just Like Us
An in-depth survey of pet dogs revealed surprising insights about breed-specific behaviors.
Is Pedigree What It’s Cracked Up To Be?
Data distilled 80,000 individual dog profiles revealed that outside of the show ring, there’s a lot of behavioral variation within any given breed.
An Unusual Rose Blooms in Northern California
This bubblegum-pink sea slug is cropping up in areas where it’s rarely seen in large numbers.
Use Magnetic Fields To Navigate Like A Sea Turtle
Create small turtle navigators and use them to detect magnetic fields in this activity and companion game.