Pando, One Of Earth’s Largest Living Organisms
These quaking aspens are all clones of one mother stem.
A Stegosaurus Smackdown, Plus Bumblebee and Mosquito Mysteries
Arielle Duhaime-Ross, a science reporter at The Verge, gives us her take on the week’s news.
L.A.’s So Fly
A citizen science project uncovers 30 new species of scuttle fly in Los Angeles.
Lion’s Mane Mushroom
This pristine white fungus might have neuroprotective properties.
Catching a Non-Stop, Transatlantic Flight on a Songbird’s Back
The blackpoll warbler, a songbird that weighs 12 grams, can fly 1,700 miles—non-stop—to its wintering grounds.
Home For A Horn Shark Embryo
The spiraling protective packaging ensconces a single embryo and yolk sac.
Capsizing Icebergs on the Rise in Greenland
Icebergs in Greenland are flipping over like dominoes more often than they have in the past.
Warming West Coast Waters Upset Food Chains
Warmer waters are changing the distribution of food in the Pacific, stranding hundreds of starving sea lion pups on shore, and causing the death of hundreds of thousands of birds.
Here There Be Seadragons
Researchers discovered a new type of seadragon, bringing the total number of known species to a whopping three.
When a Seven-Foot-Long Arthropod Swam the Seas
Fossils found in Morocco might help explain how modern-day insects, crustaceans, and other arthropods got their shapes.