Jet-setting Cephalopods
Can you engineer a jet propulsion system that mimics the speed of a squid?
Run, Octopus, Run!
Chrissy Huffard explains how and why an octopus might stand up on two tentacles and run backwards.
Isn’t This Octopus Adorabilis?
Stephanie Bush of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute aims to classify and name a presently undescribed deep-sea cephalopod.
This Ant Stinks
Two entomologists set out to prove the true scent of the odorous house ant.
Dissect a Silkworm Cocoon
Learn about the insect origins of silk by dissecting a cocoon and “degumming” it to reveal the protein that scientists use for constructing new materials.
Chew on This: Jaw Fossils Provide Evidence of New Hominin
Scientists uncover evidence of new hominin species in the Afar region of Ethiopia.
Limpet Teeth Tell of Daily Grind
The title-holder for strongest biological material goes to a small mollusk.
The Small But Mighty Seed
Biologist Thor Hanson describes the dizzying diversity of seeds. A new documentary, “Seeds of Time,” portrays the fight to save them.