A Device to Visualize Your Climate Change Future
In Marin County, California, augmented reality binoculars are helping locals visualize sea level rise—and plan for it.
Black-Market Marijuana Farming Is Far From Green
Illegal pot farms north of San Francisco are repeating many of the environmental sins of the logging era, like clear-cutting and road building.
How Silver-Haired Ants Beat The Desert Heat
Ant-Man’s cool. But this ant is cooler, thanks to metallic-looking hairs that help it beat the African desert heat.
Is Climate Change the Plight of the Bumblebee?
Climate change has caused bumblebee habitats in North America to retreat by as much as 190 miles in some areas.
Track A Plant’s Movement
Are your plants moving without you knowing it? Catch your plant’s secret movements, called tropisms, in this hands-on activity.
Mexico’s Singular Salamander
This critically endangered salamander reaches sexual maturity without undergoing metamorphosis.
Bringing Nature Back to Man-Made Spaces
The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, which was once a chemical weapons manufacturing site, is now one of the nation’s largest urban wildlife sanctuaries.
Cephalopod Week Wrap-Up
A wrap of highlights from Cephalopod Week, and a check-in with SciFri education manager Ariel Zych and biologist Chuck Fisher aboard the exploration vessel “Nautilus.”
The Octopus Whisperer
To keep the brainy creatures healthy in captivity, caretakers employ a variety of tricks, including dog toys.