Diary Of A Snakebite Death
Karl P. Schmidt, famed snake expert and herpetologist, made a detailed scientific account of the effect of venom from a snake bite in the human body—his body.
Build A Cabinet Of Curiosities
In his book “Cabinet of Curiosities,” nature writer Gordon Grice shares tips for building your own natural history collection.
Where ‘Postnatural’ Organisms Find a Home
At Pittsburgh’s Center for PostNatural History, modified organisms are the star attraction.
Plants in Space!
This week on The Macroscope, plant biologists send a lowly weed to the International Space Station to study its growth in zero gravity.
Plants in Space!
For humans to travel to the Moon and Mars, they’ll need a companion – a lowly weed known as crackwort.
Trash Talk: Uncovering the Waste in U.S. Landfills
American landfills may be crowded with twice as much waste as previously thought, according to a new study.
A Science Hero, Lost and Found
In “The Invention of Nature,” historian Andrea Wulf restores forgotten explorer and scientist Alexander von Humboldt to his rightful place in science history.
Is Deep-Sea Exploration Worth It?
Sylvia Earle and other researchers discuss how humans fit into the future of deep sea exploration.
From Atop an Ecuadorian Peak, an Epiphany About Nature
An excerpt from “The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World.”