What Places on the Planet Would You Save?
We compiled your responses into an interactive map.
Botanicals In Blue: A Victorian Woman’s Take On Algae
Anna Atkins, the first person to publish a book of photography, showed a predilection for botany.
How Many Digits Of Pi Do We Really Need?
Mathematician James Grime of the YouTube channel Numberphile has determined that 39 digits of pi should suffice.
To Stave Off Extinction, Make Half of Earth a Nature Reserve
E.O. Wilson says that the political and practical mechanisms to make half the world into a nature reserve already exist.
Connecting the Dots on Climate Change
There’s more science than first meets the eye in these vivid watercolor paintings.
To Stave Off Extinction, Protect ‘Half-Earth’
In his new book, “Half-Earth,” Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson argues that we must set aside half the planet for nature.
Has Human Influence Already Defined a New Epoch?
E.O. Wilson on how we may have already entered the Anthropocene, the Epoch of Man.
3-D Printing Living Cells
Scientists used living cells to 3-D-print ear, bone, and muscle structures.
Behold, The Gargantuan Stick Insect
Only three female Ctenomorpha gargantua stick insects have ever been seen in the wild.
Eight Arms That Send a Message
One species of octopus uses changing coloration and shifting postures to send signals to other octopuses.