The Search for Peru’s ‘Boiling River’
This Peruvian river in the Amazon had long been considered a sacred healing spot for local shamans, but it hadn’t been scientifically explored until recently.
The Humble Seed, Waiting to Grow
Author Hope Jahren explains how all seeds, seen or unseen, wait patiently for their chance to flourish.
Antarctica May Accelerate Global Sea Level Rise
A new study suggests a melting Antarctica could pump up global sea levels much more than previously predicted.
Springtime Brings Unexpected Blooms
Noah Fierer, a microbial ecologist, says he swoons for the scent of springtime’s bacterial bloom.
Superbloom: How Death Valley Springs To Life
Beneath Death Valley lies a massive seed bank of desert wildflowers and when heavy winter rains soak deep into the soil, these hidden wonders spring to life.
Reservoir Rules, Killer Prairie Dogs, and Wine Weather
Rethinking the rules of running reservoirs, and will climate change help wine makers?
Teaching Climate Change Science in the Classroom
A panel of education experts discuss challenges and approaches to teaching climate change science in the classroom.
Investigating Sea Level Rise on a Local Level
Researchers estimate as 13.1 million U.S. residents could be displaced by rising sea levels by 2100.
The Laws of Nature, From the Sea to the Savannah
In his latest book, The Serengeti Rules, biologist Sean B. Carroll tells of some of the greatest experiments in ecology.
In the Serengeti, Clues to Life’s Persistence on Earth
Sean B. Carroll connects cell regulation at the molecular level to rules that govern the Serengeti ecosystem.