What Will More Research-Grade Marijuana Mean for Medical Studies?
The Drug Enforcement Administration has expanded the number of marijuana manufacturers that can grow and provide the drug to medical researchers.
The World According to Microbes
In “I Contain Multitudes,” author Ed Yong examines the connections between species and ecosystems—from a microbial point of view.
A Creative Approach to Controlling a Deadly Snail
Freshwater snails take more lives than sharks each year.
New Zealand Chooses to Save Prey Over Predator
The plan to save native avian species means targeting non-native predators.
A Celebration of the Life in Flight Around Your Porch Light
We join the fifth annual celebration of National Moth Week.
Go Mothing!
All you need to observe moths is a sheet, a light, and good weather.
The Shocking Behavior of Leaping Eels
Eels have been known to jump out of water to shock animals as big as horses.
When Eels Attack!
Electric eels zap fish and other underwater prey, but what would make them leap out of the water and shock an animal like a horse?
Still Birds Take Flight
Deborah Samuel’s photographs bring life to the ornithology collection at the Royal Ontario Museum.
Burping Bioacoustics
Explore the field of bioacoustics by recording and analyzing the sound waves of human burps.