When Eels Attack!
Electric eels zap fish and other underwater prey, but what would make them leap out of the water and shock an animal like a horse?
Still Birds Take Flight
Deborah Samuel’s photographs bring life to the ornithology collection at the Royal Ontario Museum.
Burping Bioacoustics
Explore the field of bioacoustics by recording and analyzing the sound waves of human burps.
A Jovian Arrival, Titan’s Chemistry, and a Goat’s Gaze
Researchers have found that Saturn’s moon Titan could have the right chemical conditions to create precursors to life. Plus, what a goat’s gaze has in common with puppy behavior.
A Geological Tour From 30,000 Feet Up
Flyover Country, a new app, will help you spot geological features during your next long-haul flight.
A Peek at the Possibilities of Biodesign
Art and design students envision the future of biotech.
Step Into a Hive
Wolfgang Buttress’ giant sculpture interprets the activity of a real beehive.
Why You Don’t Want to Get Stung by a Tarantula Hawk
Biologist and author Justin O. Schmidt tells the story of getting stung by a tarantula hawk, whose sting is extremely excruciating.
Tracking Nighttime Bird Migrations, by Sound
Researchers are trying to build a network of computerized sensors that identify birds based on the short chirps they make while in flight.
Closing Out the Cephaloparty
For the end of Cephalopod Week 2016, we delve into the mysteries of cephalopod ink and the squid microbiome.