A Limit to Lifespan, Genetic Preference for Flavors, and Hurricane Matthew’s Power
A new look at mortality suggests that even as average lifespan increases, there’s still a hard cap on how long we can live.
Don’t Be Scared Of These ‘Dead Man’s Fingers’
These protrusions might look spooky, but they’re just the fruiting bodies of a wood decay fungus.
Hydrophobicity: Will The Water Drop Stop Or Roll?
Examine surface textures and conduct a “tilt test” to compare how materials with different surface textures repel or absorb water.
UN Space Mission, Redefining ‘Healthy,’ and a Wayward Manatee
The United Nations will launch a space mission carrying payloads from countries that don’t have their own space programs.
For Oysters, Challenges and Hope in the Changing Ocean
Oyster farmers have been hit hard by acidifying seas. Can they adapt?
California Trees Battle Beetle Assault Amid Drought
Dry conditions lead trees to release pheromones that attract bark beetles, exacerbating an epidemic of dying forests in the state of California.
Achieving Suspended Animation, With Help From the Water Bear
How one researcher’s curiosity about tardigrades in the 1970s led to a major breakthrough in medical science.
A Glimpse Before It’s Gone
Why tourists traveling to threatened places may be making the problem worse.
The Fog and the Redwood
The redwood trees lining northern California’s coastline depend on fog as a seasonal water source.
Amphibians Versus Fungus: Saving the Yellow-Legged Frog
What one frog’s fight against the deadly chytrid fungus could mean for the survival of imperiled amphibians around the globe.