Love, Octopus-ly
Full-time biologist—part-time cephalopod matchmaker, Richard Ross invites us into his secret home lab where he studies the mating rituals of the lesser Pacific striped Octopus.
The Giant Squid’s Biggest Mystery
Estimating how many giant squid are lurking in the deep ocean seemed unfathomable…until now!
A New Astronaut Class Begins The Journey To The Stars
Plus, the health effects of your bread choices, wolves’ sense of equality, and more news from the week in science.
Finding An Earthly Home For The Thirty Meter Telescope
The instrument’s original site plans set off a controversy. Another site is available, but relocation won’t be easy.
Is Your Sunscreen Living Up To Its Promise?
A new report says only one quarter of SPF products on the market are up to snuff.
The Sunscreen Of The Future
A customizable melanin-like material could offer better protection from the sun.
The Wisdom Of Teeth
Hidden inside each set of ancient teeth are clues about their owner’s behavior, ancestry and hints about what really made up the paleo diet.
Rising Seas Are Washing Away Graves In The Marshall Islands
For the residents of this island nation, climate change is already here.
Winners And Losers In Warming Northeast Waters
Climate change can create more habitat for some species of fish. But will fisheries adapt?
Why Are Allergies So Dang Hard To Get Rid Of?
A look at why our immune systems turn on us, and why we’re still powerless to stop the attack.