How Lake Fish Are Coping With Pollution
Author Dan Egan tells the story of one of the last Great Lakes fisherman who witnesses the adaptation of a fish to Lake Michigan’s polluted ecosystem.
Cephalopod Week
June 14-21, 2024: Science Friday’s yearly eight-day celebration of our favorite smart marine invertebrates!
A Gene-Stealing Salamander, A Solar Companion, And French Fry Safety
Plus, involuntary manslaughter charges are brought against several officials in connection with the Flint, Michigan water crisis.
Can The Great Lakes Stay Great?
The North American Great Lakes are changing under the influence of pollution, invasive species, and climate change. How well will they weather this stress?
Love And War In The World Of The Cephalopod
The fourth annual Cephalopod Week kicks off with a cephalopod matchmaker and a researcher studying octopus defenses.
Love, Octopus-ly
Full-time biologist—part-time cephalopod matchmaker, Richard Ross invites us into his secret home lab where he studies the mating rituals of the lesser Pacific striped Octopus.
The Giant Squid’s Biggest Mystery
Estimating how many giant squid are lurking in the deep ocean seemed unfathomable…until now!
A New Astronaut Class Begins The Journey To The Stars
Plus, the health effects of your bread choices, wolves’ sense of equality, and more news from the week in science.
Finding An Earthly Home For The Thirty Meter Telescope
The instrument’s original site plans set off a controversy. Another site is available, but relocation won’t be easy.