When Dwarf Lemurs Hibernate, Their Chromosomes Do Something Odd
The ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, typically shorten as an organism ages. But when some fat-tail dwarf lemurs hibernate, they lengthen.
Scientists Observe Fungi Creating Complex Supply Chains
Fungal networks in the ground ferry crucial nutrients to plants. But how do brainless organisms form complex supply chain networks?
New Footage Shows How Narwhals Use Tusks To Hunt And Play
An international team of researchers used drones to study the mysterious arctic animals and learn new things about narwhal behavior.
Where Have All The Butterflies Gone?
A new study of butterfly populations in the US shows a 22% decline among over 500 species in just 20 years.
How Plants Powered Prehistoric Giants Millions Of Years Ago
A new book explores how prehistoric plants and dinosaurs co-evolved, and puts the spotlight on often overlooked flora.
How Lignin Helped Trees Grow Up
A new book details how lignin once protected algae from UV radiation, then later in evolutionary time became a structural support for trees.
What Does An Animal’s Size Have To Do With Its Cancer Risk?
A study finds that Peto’s Paradox, which states that larger animals are no more likely to get cancer than smaller ones, may not hold up.
Ocean Liner SS United States Will Become An Artificial Reef
The ship will join Florida’s 4,300 artificial reefs—human-made places for fish and other marine life to live. How do these reefs work?
In A New Animated TV Show, A Clash Over An All-Healing Mushroom
The show’s starring scientist finds a mushroom that can heal any ailment. But powerful people will do anything to stop him from cultivating it.
In Search Of The Best Tail For Balance
The bone and joint structures in mammal tails help them keep their balance. Could those benefits be adapted for robots?