The Other Golden Rule
Did you know that most mammals, from a house cat to an elephant, take roughly the same amount of time to urinate?
What You Didn’t Know About Einstein
When you find yourself wanting to re-read a book that you just finished, you gotta recommend it to others.
Making Sense of Science Infographics
How you can decode modern infographics and spot those that mislead.
This Math Problem Is Just Ducky
Laura Overdeck, the founder of Bedtime Math, shares a brain teaser for your kids.
Steven Strogatz: The Joy Of X
Did you know some infinities are bigger than others? Or that one is equal to .99999999999 repeating? Just a few of the math mysteries in The Joy of X, a new book by Steven Strogatz.
Making Sense of Presidential Polls
Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the presidential polls? A neuroscientist and statistician talk about how to make sense of the election—and why not all votes are created equal.
The SciFri Book Club Visits ‘Flatland’
Mathematician Ian Stewart joins the September book club meeting for a look at Edwin Abbott’s ‘Flatland.’
Actress Danica McKellar Helps “Girls Get Curves”
Actress and math education advocate Danica McKellar tackles geometry in her latest book.
Alan Turing at 100
A look at the man who helped create the modern world–and was promptly forgotten by it.
Putting a Friendly Face on Statistics
Turning data into faces makes people take notice.