How Touch Helps Us Emotionally Experience the World
Researchers describe a type of nerve that helps us understand social interactions and emotion.
Laser Blast Can Regrow Teeth, in Rats
Zapping dental stem cells with lasers appears to switch on production of new dentin, the hard stuff under tooth enamel.
Why Do Some Songs Stick in Our Heads?
“Earworms” are song fragments that get stuck in our mind.
The Lineup of Cancer Threats Is Changing
A recent study projects that by 2030, pancreatic cancer will become the second most deadly type of cancer in the U.S. after lung cancer.
What’s ‘I,’ and Why?
In “Me, Myself, and Why,” science writer Jennifer Ouellette probes the science of self.
Are Microbes Winning the Antibiotic Arms Race?
We’re running out of antibiotics, and drug companies have little incentive to develop new ones. Can we save the ones we already have?
Beware the Antibiotic Winter
An excerpt from “Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues.”
The Agony, And Reward, Of Passing A Kidney Stone
This otherworldly orb with purple projections comes from a surprising source: the urinary tract of its photographer.
Should the Last Samples of Smallpox Virus Be Saved?
World health experts will meet to discuss whether or not to destroy the last live samples of smallpox virus.
Listening In on Seizures
A “brain stethoscope” turns seizure patients’ brainwaves into music.