The Real Guide To Imaginary Companions: Episode 2
A trip into the lab of developmental psychologist Jacqueline Woolley reveals how children can become so enamored with their pretend friends, that they blur the lines between real and fantasy.
A Synthetic Human Genome? Not So Fast
Bioethicist Laurie Zoloth and biologist Jeff Way discuss the scientific and ethical challenges that lie ahead for large genome synthesis.
Lessons From the History of the Gene
Siddhartha Mukherjee’s new book, “The Gene,” is a reminder that the history of genetics is fraught with ethical conundrums.
Tracing Mental Illness Through a Family History
Author Siddhartha Mukherjee outlines his family’s genetic history with mental illness.
Bacteria Vs. (Zika) Virus, New Earth-Like Planets, and What Went Wrong With Theranos?
A new possible method for fighting Zika, plus a cautionary tale for biotech start-ups everywhere.
Shedding Pounds, Then Keeping Them Off
What “The Biggest Loser” can teach us about how the body loses and maintains weight.
Would You Trust a Robot to Perform Your Surgery?
Researchers have now developed a robot that can perform sutures and other delicate operations completely autonomously.
These Researchers Have Figured Out a New Way to Kill Cancer Cells
The team reports that they’ve figured out how to elude a tumor cell’s defenses.
The Science Club Wants You to #TakeASample
This month’s project from Science Friday’s Science Club asks participants to answer a question about a big or complex thing by looking at a sample of the whole.
Zika Virus Transmission Still Mysterious
Many questions remain about the Zika virus, such as how it passes from mother to child.