Breakthrough: Connecting The Drops
Lydia Bourouiba studies how bacteria and viruses hitch a ride inside the droplets of sneezes, raindrops, toilet splatter.
A Robotic Life Raft, the Evolution of Your Nose, and the Joy of Sleep
Robotics researchers are working to make a robotic life raft more autonomous—and friendlier—in order to aid lifeguards.
Training Docs Around the Clock
A new rule could allow medical residents in training to work for up to 24 hours at a stretch.
Would You Be On Board With a Self-Driving Ambulance?
A recent study found that the idea of autonomous emergency vehicles made potential patients nervous.
How Can We Discover Better Antibiotics?
A look at the scientific obstacles and breakthroughs involved in finding and developing new antibiotics.
Can This Treatment Combat Hearing Loss?
Boston-based researchers have regrown a high volume of sensory hair cells in the lab using a new technique.
An Advance Towards Male Birth Control, Sequencing the Quinoa Genome, and Slip-Off Gecko Skin
A male contraceptive gel prevented pregnancies for a year in rhesus monkeys.
How Spaceflight Alters the Eyes
One of the more unexpected symptoms of spaceflight may be trouble reading fine print.
Federal Science Freedom, Cancer Death Rates, Snake Trackers
With federal scientific agencies facing restrictions on what they say and when, some scientists are planning to march on Washington.
Is Your Smartphone Weighing Down Your Workout?
Talking and texting on your phone while walking on a treadmill can reduce your balance by 19 to 45 percent.