Why Are Allergies So Dang Hard To Get Rid Of?
A look at why our immune systems turn on us, and why we’re still powerless to stop the attack.
Bringing Sensation To Bionic Limbs
An innovative muscle graft could help people with amputations “feel” their bionic limbs.
Need A Boost? Try An Exosuit
Researchers are developing wearable devices that can make human movements more efficient, boost strength, and increase endurance.
Why Are Whales Whale-Sized?
Plus, a genetic map of the Zika virus and a new planetary object round out this week’s science news.
Fear Not, Worrywarts, There’s An Upside To Those Thoughts
How to use your worry, rather than letting it use you up.
Why We March: Portraits Of The March For Science
From the bees to a better future, nerds and Nobel laureates alike give us their reasons why.
How Poorly Designed Studies Hurt ALS Patients
Author Richard Harris explains the sometimes hasty and inefficient scientific process that could be prolonging the search of a cure for ALS.
Tapping Into The Creativity Of Brain Difference
In her new book, psychiatrist Gail Saltz explores the unique abilities of those with mental disorders.
City Noise Could Quiet The Brain For Some
The roar of airplanes and highway traffic hits the ears of 97 percent of Americans. There are negative effects of noise, as well as an unexpected silver lining.
Controlling The Lyme Disease Epidemic
As incidents of Lyme Disease soar, scientists look for answers.