Don’t Throw Away Those Eclipse Glasses!
Here’s what to do with your leftover solar glasses. Plus, substance abuse in baby boomers.
What Microbes Are Hiding In Your Home?
From slime in your shower head to fungi in your drywall, there’s no escaping the microbiome of the great indoors.
Water, Water, Everywhere, So Make Some Beer To Drink
Amsterdam has two problems: It can’t seem to stop coming up with new types of beers, and it floods easily. Why not kill two birds with one stone?
Supercomputers In Space, Alternative Cancer Therapies, And A Frozen Fruitcake
NASA is preparing a year-long test to examine how off-the-shelf supercomputers might withstand radiation in space.
Does Faster Drug Approval Lead To Better Medicine?
Researchers say fast-tracked drugs are not being rigorously tested after the approval process.
A Win For Einstein, Building A Bigger Salmon, And A Newly Named Dino
Astronomers sifting through years of stellar data have found that Einstein’s theories still hold up. Plus, other stories from this week in science.
Panting, Perspiration, And Puddles
How humans and other animals have evolved to beat the heat.
Hollow Earth, Cosmic Calamities, And Other Pseudoscientific Fads
In his book “Fads and Fallacies,” published in the 1950s, Martin Gardner chronicled a quirkier, and perhaps less politically polarizing, set of pseudoscientific ideas.
Need To Explain Some Science? Try Improv
Actor and author Alan Alda considers the best way to explain complicated scientific concepts — with humanity.