Coughs On A Plane
Researchers map out how the behavior of airplane passengers affects the chances of in-flight disease transmission.
Shaping The Future Of Gun Research
As federal resources for firearm injury research lag, states like California are trying to do it themselves.
FDA Is Back On Board With A Breast Cancer Test
The FDA will now allow the consumer genetic testing company 23andMe to screen customers for mutations that boost breast cancer risk.
Medical ‘Cures’ That Did More Harm Than Good
Aspirin is much better for headaches than a red-hot iron to the forehead—but ancient Greek physicians prescribed the latter ‘cure.’
The ‘Murderous’ Medical Practice Of The 18th Century
For centuries, people thought mercury was a safe, easy remedy for everything from melancholy to syphilis.
Meet scientists who are overcoming insurmountable obstacles to pave new paths in STEM.
Love On The Surface Of An Eyeball, Life’s First Steps, And Clues From Poop
One woman’s dubious dance with a cow parasite left her rubbing her eyes—and medical experts scratching their heads.
There’s A New Urban Air Polluter On The Block
Volatile organic compounds like wall paints and cleaning agents are becoming our cities’ biggest sources of air pollution.
How UV Light Could Zap The Flu Bug
A type of UV light could be used to disable proteins in the flu virus.
Putting The Immune System To Work Against Cancer
A new immune-boosting injection treatment that produces quick results with few side-effects in mice shows promise for human trials.