Rethinking Our COVID-19 Testing Strategy
How might faster, cheaper tests help with better tracking of infectious COVID-19 patients?
Racial Injustice Is Increasing Chronic Disease In Black Americans
Systemic racism directly affects the health of marginalized communities, and it may be the cause of early health issues in Black Americans.
Buscando microbios en el río Hirviente de Perú
En la Amazonía peruana, la bioquímica Rosa Vásquez Espinoza investiga las propiedades medicinales de los microbios que fluyen en el río sagrado.
NYC Health Commissioner Steps Down After Butting Heads With Mayor
Plus more science news for the week, including the chemical linked to Beirut’s explosions.
This Peruvian Boiling River Holds More Than Meets The Eye
Scientists search for tiny but mighty bacteria with medical value.
Mapping Extreme Microbes In The Amazon’s Boiling River
Deep in the Peruvian Amazon, biochemist Rosa Vásquez Espinoza investigates the medicinal properties of microbes flowing in a sacred boiling river.
The Beautiful Spirals Of Sperm Cells On The Move
New tools—and math—are shifting our picture of a vital reproductive cell.
Will Nations Share Their COVID-19 Vaccines?
As the U.S., Russia, and other nations push forward on COVID-19 vaccine trials, what happens to countries that can’t develop their own?
Living With Coronavirus, Behind Bars
For months, the incarcerated population has been battling COVID-19—and the struggle to contain the disease is highlighting systemic public health issues.
Before Facing COVID-19, A California State Prison Struggled With Valley Fever
A decade ago, Avenal State Prison scrambled to contain an outbreak of a deadly fungal disease that former inmates still battle today.