Fact Check My Feed: How Excited Should You Be About COVID-19 Vaccines?
Pfizer’s promising press release about its vaccine’s efficacy wasn’t accompanied by data. Experts explain the implications.
Oregon Voters Decriminalize Possessing Illegal Drugs
The ballot measure makes personally possessing small amounts of drugs a civil violation, while also providing addiction services funding.
This Accessible Pregnancy Test Has Results You Can Touch
For people who are blind or vision-impaired, traditional pregnancy tests can be hard to read. But a new design may help.
Gathering Together (Carefully) For A Pandemic Holiday
There’s no way to have a completely safe in-person gathering this holiday season. But if you’re going to see friends and family, here’s how to do so with the least risk.
Worried About Fading COVID-19 Antibodies? Not So Fast.
Why a new study is not necessarily bad news for your COVID-19 immune response. Plus the Moon’s moisture, and new successes for livestock ‘super daddies.’
What The Brain Inherits
A neuroscientist shares her pursuit to understand the brain and how our parents’ experiences live on in us.
What It’s Like To Be A Science Teacher In A Pandemic
STEM educators across the country share their strategies, challenges, and experiences teaching during the COVID crisis.
Can Trauma Today Affect Future Children?
Researchers are studying whether severe stress can have an epigenetic effect, altering how genes are turned on and off in an organism’s offspring.
Even In A Pandemic, Science Class Is In Session
The return to school hasn’t been easy, but STEM educators are finding creative ways to teach science to kids—online and in-person.
Read People’s Strange (And Similar) Pandemic Dreams
Dream researcher Dierdre Barrett has been collecting COVID dreams since March. Find out about the surprisingly common themes in dreams during the pandemic.