Curly Hair Keeps Your Scalp Cooler
New research aims to better understand the role of hair texture in human evolution.
Unprecedented Avian Flu Outbreak Continues
In the midst of the worst outbreak in US history, here’s what you should know about avian flu.
A Scientist’s Catalog Of 100 Days Under The Sea
Former US Navy diving instructor Joe Dituri shatters records for time underwater in the name of science.
The Long And Short Of Telomere Activity
Short sequences of genetic code on the ends of chromosomes called telomeres may be more involved in the cell than previously understood.
Tracking Pain In Your Brain
Scientists are decoding the brain signals linked to chronic pain.
What Can We Learn From A Woman Who Feels No Pain?
Understanding the gene mutations causing Jo Cameron’s inability to feel pain could lead to better pain medications for the rest of us.
A Famous Sled Dog’s Genome Holds Evolutionary Surprises
By looking at 240 mammals’ genomes, including the heroic sled dog Balto, a project called Zoonomia offers a new view of evolutionary history.
Can Science Find An Antidote To Americium?
Researchers are testing a drug that could help remove radioactive elements from the human body.
Debunking Common Myths About Being Fat
Author and podcast host Aubrey Gordon uses science and history to dispel common misconceptions about weight and health.
Unpacking What You Know About Fat People
Author and podcast host Aubrey Gordon debunks stereotypes and discusses anti-fat bias in healthcare.