SciFri Book Club Talks Silent Spring
Silent Spring revisited: Ira Flatow and Flora Lichtman host the first SciFri Book Club meeting.
Field Trip! Can You Stomach It?
Philadelphia’s Mütter Museum has a lot of heart, and other organs too.
What Your Brain Looks Like When You Lose Self-Control
New pictures show what happens in the brain when you pass up the pie, but later eat the pudding.
Medical Oddities from the Bowels of the Mütter
“Disturbingly informative,” is how museum director Robert Hicks describes Philadelphia’s Mütter Museum—items of interest include a gangrenous hand, wax models of extinct diseases, deformed bones and body parts.
Bones, Books, and Bell Jars
In her new book, Bones Books and Bell Jars, physician and photographer Andrea Baldeck documents the collection of medical texts, instruments, and specimens at Philadelphia’s Mütter Museum.
How the Morning-After Pill Works
Growing scientific evidence weakens claims that the morning-after pill is tied to abortion.
Mapping the Microbial Make-Up of Healthy Humans
Scoping out the trillions of germs that call the healthy human body home.
Bacterial Armor Imaged, Down to the Details
Images of a bacterium reveal a protective protein coat akin to the chainmail of a medieval knight.
Virus Hunter Recalls Discovery of Ebola and HIV
Would you be brave enough to go deep into the African jungle to investigate a deadly new virus? Peter Piot was, and he’s here to tell the tale.
Identifying the Real Culprit Behind Killer Vascular Diseases
A study finds stem cells are to blame for blocked arteries that cause heart attacks and stroke.