Amyloid Proteins Help Paralyzed Mice Walk Again
Scientists say the proteins, once thought to be enemies of the nervous system, may actually be protective ‘guardians.’
Making Tissues from Water Droplets?
Researchers turned tiny water droplets into cooperative networks that can change shape and pass electrical signals.
For Babies, It’s Better to Like What I Like
How green beans, graham crackers, and puppets can give insight into the development of moral behavior.
Scientists Search for Gulf War Illness Answers
More than 20 years later, many Gulf War veterans still suffer from an array of unexplained ailments.
Can Just One Concussion Change the Brain?
A single concussion may cause brain damage, but it remains difficult to diagnose these injuries.
Arming Fat Cells to Fight Brain Cancer
Researchers are investigating ways to turn fat cells into Trojan horses to fight brain cancer.
Improving Healthcare, One Search at a Time
By combing through 100 million search queries, researchers detected a previously unknown interaction between two commonly prescribed drugs.
‘Bones’ Inspires a New Generation of Crime Fighters
Forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs chats about “Code,” her new crime novel for young adults.
James Watson: Studio Session
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA — the now-famous double helix.
Can the Anti-Aging Secret Be Found in…Red Wine?
Researchers are examining the link between red wine and longevity.