Young Blood Sharpens Memory in Old Mice
The blood of young mice seems to rejuvenate older mice, both strengthening their muscles and improving their ability to learn and remember.
The Serious Science of Humor
Author Scott Weems lets us in on the jokes and uncovers the science of humor.
Why Do We Find Things Funny?
An excerpt from “Ha! The Science of When We Laugh and Why” by Scott Weems.
Male Researchers May Increase Stress in Lab Mice
The gender of a researcher might influence the stress levels of laboratory mice.
Nothing To Sneeze At
Sneezes and coughs generate gas clouds that can spread germs farther than previously imagined.
Nothing to Sneeze At
Sneezes and coughs generate gas clouds which can spread germs farther than previously imagined.
Can We Game Our Way to Better Health?
Gamers and scientists join forces to develop “serious games” to improve health.
Practice Eye of Yesteryear
The instrument is an early version of a training device popularized by optometrists.
Busting Bad Bacteria With Their Viral Enemies
Phages added to packaged beef or spinach could cut down on E. coli bacteria outbreaks.
Reawakening Limbs After Years of Paralysis
Paraplegics were able to stand and move their legs again with the help of a spinal implant.