Use Engineering To Design The Perfect Ice Cream
Create your perfect scoop in this ice cream science activity! All you need is a bag, some milk, and the engineering design method.
Where’s The Beef? Lab-Grown Meat Gets U.S. Approval
Two companies recently received approval to grow and sell lab-cultivated meat in the U.S. How is it made and will people actually buy it?
Unprecedented Avian Flu Outbreak Continues
In the midst of the worst outbreak in US history, here’s what you should know about avian flu.
Tomato Breeding Project Fueled By Over 1,000 Backyard Gardeners
The Dwarf Tomato Project has generated over 150 tomato new tomato varieties, crossbred between heirloom and dwarf species.
The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Debate Keeps Pecking Away
The last verified sighting was in 1944, but bill-ievers are still looking for the bird.
Saliva: The Unsung Hero Of Taste
Scientists are beginning to unravel saliva’s role in taste perception. Plus, a few fun experiments at home to put your saliva to the test.
From Backyards To Barn Yards, The Surprising Science Of Chickens
Author of the new book “Under the Henfluence: Inside the World of Backyard Chickens and the People Who Love Them” ponders America’s favorite fowl.
How The Cherokee Nation Is Saving Culturally Significant Seeds
The Cherokee Nation seed bank distributed nearly 10,000 heirloom seed packets to its citizens last year.
Your Plants Are Trying To Tell You They’re Thirsty
Plus, how cockroach sex is evolving with pest control.
Foundational Food Sources In The Gulf Of Maine Are Failing
Decades of research suggest that warming temperatures are collapsing the gulf’s productivity.