Food Failures: Knead-to-Know Science Behind Bread
America’s Test Kitchen editorial director Jack Bishop talks about the science behind a perfect loaf.
Out of the Bottle: Wine Psychology
How do our expectations, environment, and social cues trick us into believing our wine tastes better or worse?
Out Of The Bottle: Wine Psychology
How do expectations, environment, and social cues fool us into believing that our wine tastes better or worse than it is?
Food Failures: How to Spoil Your Food (And Eat It, Too)
Fermentation guru Sandor Katz solves your pickling problems.
Wine Science: Deconstructing ‘Terroir’ in the Lab
Chemist Gavin Sacks says talk of terroir may often be simply a clever marketing ploy.
Out of the Bottle: Tricks of the Trade
Popular wine jargon such as “breathing,” “corked,” and “wine tears” gets translated into chemistry you can understand.
What Is Kraut-chi?
A fermentation experimentalist describes his hybrid sauerkraut-kimchi dish, and offers a few fermentation tips.
Out Of The Bottle: Tricks Of The Trade
Gavin Sacks of Cornell University translates popular wine jargon such as ‘breathing,’ ‘corked,’ and ‘wine tears’ into chemistry you can understand.
Out of the Bottle: Wine Flavor
A researcher from Cornell details the chemical composition of wine’s diverse flavor profiles.
Out of the Bottle: Wine Flavor
A researcher from Cornell details the chemical composition of wine’s diverse flavor profiles.