Busting Bad Bacteria With Their Viral Enemies
Phages added to packaged beef or spinach could cut down on E. coli bacteria outbreaks.
Yogurt, Breakfast of Champions?
Research suggests that yogurt containing active bacterial cultures could have multiple health benefits.
Food Failures: Knead-to-Know Science Behind Bread
America’s Test Kitchen editorial director Jack Bishop talks about the science behind a perfect loaf.
Out of the Bottle: Wine Psychology
How do our expectations, environment, and social cues trick us into believing our wine tastes better or worse?
Out Of The Bottle: Wine Psychology
How do expectations, environment, and social cues fool us into believing that our wine tastes better or worse than it is?
Food Failures: How to Spoil Your Food (And Eat It, Too)
Fermentation guru Sandor Katz solves your pickling problems.
Wine Science: Deconstructing ‘Terroir’ in the Lab
Chemist Gavin Sacks says talk of terroir may often be simply a clever marketing ploy.
Out of the Bottle: Tricks of the Trade
Popular wine jargon such as “breathing,” “corked,” and “wine tears” gets translated into chemistry you can understand.
What Is Kraut-chi?
A fermentation experimentalist describes his hybrid sauerkraut-kimchi dish, and offers a few fermentation tips.
Out Of The Bottle: Tricks Of The Trade
Gavin Sacks of Cornell University translates popular wine jargon such as ‘breathing,’ ‘corked,’ and ‘wine tears’ into chemistry you can understand.