Balancing Surveillance: Privacy and Security in the Digital Age
Is it possible to keep our personal information secure in the digital age?
Should These Scientific Ideas Be Retired?
Two scientists consider the concepts of the universe and falsifiability.
How Can We Clean Up an Oil Spill?
In this activity from the American Association of Chemistry Teachers, students simulate an oil spill and test different materials’ abilities to “clean” the oil spill.
How Can We Build Homes That Are Resistant to Mold?
Test which building materials will be resistant to mold after a flood or hurricane.
Medical Fraud Missing From Public Record
An investigation of the FDA claims the agency isn’t doing enough to expose instances of fraud and misconduct.
Scientists and the Public Disagree on Key Issues
Is it possible to shift public opinion on controversial scientific issues?
The True Story Behind ‘Spare Parts’
In “Spare Parts,” four teenage MacGyvers beat MIT with a smelly robot built with PVC pipe.
Small Drones Raise Big Legal Questions
Law professor Ryan Calo discusses how to regulate personal drones and other potentially invasive technologies.