Debating Science in the 2016 Election
A group proposes 20 science-based policy questions for the presidential candidates to address in the months ahead.
The Replication Game: How Well Do Psychology Studies Hold Up?
Researchers have created a new system to test influential papers for reproducibility.
A Health Check-Up for Dolly’s ‘Sister Clones’
Four sheep cloned from the same cell line as Dolly got a health check-up and showed no physical signs of premature aging.
Free Access to Scientific Research Comes at a Cost
Congress wants to make federally funded research available for free. But someone will have to pay.
Can I Recycle That? Five Tips for Better Sorting
Pointers for sifting through your paper and plastics.
The Big Sort: An Insider’s Tour Of A Recycling Plant
Every day at the Sims Municipal Recycling facility in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, roughly 800 tons of recyclables meander through a tangle of machines, scanners, and conveyor belts.
A New Threat to Cell Phone Videos?
Apple patents a technology that could stop our phones from recording concerts. How does it work, and could this be abused?
How Does ‘Brexit’ Affect Science?
In the lead-up to the Brexit vote, 13 Nobel Prize winners warned that departing the EU would be bad for British scientific research.
Discuss the Applications and Implications of Metal Foam
What responsibility, if any, do scientists and the public have to make sure new technologies are developed for the purpose of good? Have students discuss this issue by brainstorming possible uses for a new metal foam and then deciding who should address unintended uses of that technology.
The Neuroscience of a Microchip, Remembering a Keystone Ecologist, and Brexit’s Effect on Science
What can “Donkey Kong” tell us about the state of neuroscience? Plus the possible implications of Brexit for science.