Former Michigan Governor, Other Officials Charged for Flint Water Crisis
The charges, which came as a surprise to many residents, come seven years after the health crisis began.
How Soil Could Save The Planet
A new farming technique could make soils, and their microbes, better at capturing carbon.
After Flint’s Crisis, An Algorithm Helps Citizens Find Lead Pipes
Millions of Americans need to replace their pipes. Here’s how to tell if your home or neighborhood needs to test its tap water.
How Companies Denied Their Role In Climate Change
Michael Mann seeks to debunk the lies that have derailed attempts to curb climate change and arms readers with a real path forward to preserving the planet.
West Virginia Leads In Race To Distribute Vaccines
Why has New York struggled to distribute COVID-19 vaccines, while West Virginia excelled?
A New President, An Ongoing Climate Crisis
Author and climate scientist Michael Mann lays out what President Biden can do in his first 100 days to show he’s serious about climate policy.
COVID-19 Vaccinations Begin In The U.K.
Plus, Canada approves a vaccine, and the FDA may approve a vaccine for the US this week.
What Has Europe’s Green New Deal Accomplished In Its First Year?
Though the U.S. stalled in its progress toward a green economy, the European Union preserved through the pandemic toward its climate goals.
Charting A Path To Deliver The COVID-19 Vaccine
Once a COVID-19 vaccine is approved in the United States, the hard work of getting it produced and distributed begins.
U.K. Approves Pfizer Vaccine
The U.K.’s emergency authorization approval could lead to vaccinations as soon as next week.