Decrypting Big Tech’s Data Hoard
Decades into the era of Big Data, researchers are calling for reforms in privacy, predictive algorithms, and more.
What Went Wrong With Jackson, Mississippi’s Water?
The problem lies in the city’s outdated water infrastructure.
El sexo no es binario, y deberíamos dejar de pretender que lo es
Es hora de que la legislación y la educación reflejen el sexo como un espectro con opciones ilimitadas.
Wisconsin Oversteps In Wolf Hunt
After gray wolves were removed from the federal endangered species list, hunters in Wisconsin killed nearly twice the allowed quota of gray wolves.
How You Can Become A Better Bystander
Researchers say that understanding the psychology behind the bystander effect can help increase the odds of stepping in during an emergency.
Keeping An Eye On The Climate, From Space
As the government focuses more attention on climate issues, NASA has appointed a ‘senior climate advisor.’
Progress In Considering Sex As A Biological Variable
Five years ago, NIH asked researchers to include how the sex of mice affects the outcome of pre-clinical research. One team member discusses what’s changed—and what lies ahead.
The Problem With ‘Parachute Science’
In Indonesia, close to half of published studies on coral reefs included no local scientists, causing researchers to reexamine practices.
The Global COVID-19 Supply Problem
An unfair vaccine rollout is threatening global health—and could prolong the pandemic for everyone.
The Aftermath Of Texas’ Winter Storm
While power has been mostly restored, journalists report Texans are now facing water shortages, housing damage, and crop losses.