Climate Change Ruins The World Championship Sled Dog Derby
At the World Championship Sled Dog Derby, warm weather played an unwanted star role.
Date Set For International Space Station’s Burial At Sea
In 2031, the International Space Station will join the Mir station and other orbiters in the ocean’s “spacecraft cemetery.”
Growing Plants—And Providing Solar Energy
Growing crops under solar panels is an efficient way to approach a new era of agriculture.
E.O. Wilson’s Indelible Mark On Ecology
Reflecting on the late naturalist’s extensive legacy.
The Fossil—And Family—Records Of Richard Leakey
A leading authority on paleoanthropology, Richard Leakey leaves behind an expansive body of work on human evolution.
What Is Causing Maine’s Puffins To Physically Shrink?
Centuries of see-sawing growth and decline now has a new factor: climate change.
How Climate Change Is Giving Maine’s Wild Blueberries The Blues
Climate change is threatening Maine’s native blueberries. These researchers are looking to provide solutions—and help farmers in the process.
As Wildfire Intensity Rises, So Does The Human Toll Of Blazes
Wildfire season in the West is now year-long, thanks to climate change. Listen to residents and rescuers as they grapple with the new normal.
More Erosion Is Happening Globally. Here’s What It Means For Farms.
Jo Handelsman, Obama’s former science advisor, explains why more farms are experiencing erosion, and how it reduces crop yields.
Stories From Those On The Frontlines Of Sea Level Rise
As seas rise, what do frontline communities want and need? Trust, agency—and money.