Are We Losing the Race Against Climate Change?
China burns as much coal as the rest of the world combined. But it also leads in clean tech, and has a national climate change policy in place. A look at how the world is tackling climate change–with or without us.
Spider Webs, Tractor Beams, and Beer
This week, I’m focusing on some really geeky—I should say Benjie*—research that caught my eye. Be ready for some gorgeous graphics and hi-tech talk.
Shoring Up the Nation’s Crumbling Coastlines
Can beaches be rebuilt to face fiercer storms and rising seas? Is there even enough sand to do it?
Months After Sandy, Mucking and Gutting
Mold has become a concern for residents of a Sandy-damaged neighborhood in Queens.
Cold Snap Shakes Up Winter Weather Outlook
Climatologist Jeff Weber explains why this winter could pack a punch.
Mold Compounds Sandy’s Destruction
The Rockaways, a Queens, N.Y. neighborhood, is still recovering from Sandy. Debris from fires lingers on the streets, and buildings torn apart by the storm are crumbling on the beach. But those with restored heat and power have another concern: mold.
How E-Waste Is Becoming a Big, Global Problem
More than 2.5 million tons of electronic waste is produced each year in the U.S.
Arctic Research: Carhartts, Polar Bears, and Duct Tape
What does a modern Arctic explorer wear to work? And what does the modern explorer (mature male) do if he has to pee?
‘Full Planet, Empty Plates’
In his new book, Lester Brown says the world’s food supply is tightening—and the reasons are many.
Reel Science Friday: 2012 Highlights
Catfish eating pigeons, water traveling uphill, a blue whale barrel roll—we’re taking a stroll down memory lane for a look at the year’s best moments in science cinema. What were your favorite science videos of 2012?