Mine-detecting Honeybees, Deciphering Teenage Sounds, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
Having a Dog May Mean Having Extra Microbes
Houses with dogs had more types of bacteria, say researchers who surveyed surfaces in 40 homes.
Tracking Killer Tornadoes
The massive tornado that struck Oklahoma this week was the product of specific atmospheric conditions—and bad luck.
Reinventing Farming for a Changing Climate
Climate change may increase pests and turn dry soil to dust. Farmers are already on the offensive.
‘Crazy Ants’ Spreading in the Southeastern U.S.
Tawny crazy ants, recent arrivals to the country, are able to drive out even the imported fire ant.
Alien Invaders, Baby Seal Brains, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
To Combat Rising Seas, Why Not Raise Up the Town?
Planning for the next Sandy, a New Jersey mayor has proposed lifting up his town. But at what cost?
Studying Earth to Learn About Mars
Planetary scientists and future explorers are trying to learn about our neighboring planet without ever leaving Earth.
Great Salt Lake Is No ‘Dead Sea’
Parts of the giant lake are 10 times saltier than the ocean—but life has found a way to thrive.
Every Spring, This Bird Struts its Stuff
Across Utah, the Greater sage-grouse performs a striking dance routine each morning at dawn.