Recording the Global Soundscape
Ecologist Bryan Pijanowski hopes to create a soundscape of every ecosystem on the planet.
How a Warming Planet Will Change What’s on Your Plate
Climate change has already cut yields of wheat and corn, taking a bite out of gains achieved by better farming technology.
E.O. Wilson: ‘A Window on Eternity’
E.O. Wilson discusses the recovery and biodiversity of Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park.
Make a Model Eardrum to Detect Sound Waves
Create a model eardrum to visualize sound vibrations, and then use a smartphone to identify your model’s natural frequencies.
Suckers for Sap
By vacuum-sucking sap directly from the cut tops of juvenile maple trees, the researchers may revolutionize the maple syrup industry.
The Wind Comes Sweeping Down the Plains—of Iowa
Texas and California dominate the U.S. in wind power generation—but Iowa isn’t far behind.
10 Questions for Walter Robinson, Polar Vortex Pioneer
Don’t blame the polar vortex for this winter’s cold weather woes.
Make A Wire Critter That Can Walk On Water
Learn how insects have inspired engineers and design your own water-walking critter using thin wire and your knowledge of surface tension.
Estimate Pi by Dropping Sticks
A simulator based on one of the oldest problems in geometrical probability approximates pi.