Christmas Tree Combustion
A home holiday experiment that explores combustion using festive fuels such as fir, pine, spruce, and cedar.
Under The Influence Of Beer Foam
A team of fluid mechanics researchers at Princeton University dive into the anti-sloshing physics of foam.
Recipe: Jeff Potter’s Patent-Violating* Chocolate Chip Cookies
How to make cookies that stay chewy on the inside with crispy outer edges.
The Underwater Robot That Could
Using data from a robot, scientists have created the first detailed, 3-D maps of Antarctic sea ice thickness.
Climate Deal or Not, Fight Against Global Warming Has Begun
Last year, for example, new solar plants outpaced coal installations in the U.S., and carbon-trading schemes across state and national borders have already begun.
Seals Deep Dive for Ocean Data
Seals sporting telemetry tags are providing scientists with data on the ocean environment.
Truth, Educated Guesses, and Speculations in ‘Interstellar’
An excerpt from “The Science of Interstellar.”
What Exactly IS a Comet?
Gather evidence from interviews with scientists about comets, then create a wordy illustration of comet characteristics.
Green Politics
How will the midterm election results, climate change “debate,” and trends in renewable energy affect the 2016 election?
Snotty Plots: How Do You Graph A Sneeze?
Simulate a sneeze with paint, then graphically determine where most of it lands.