Behind the Scenes of the Explorers Club
The Explorers Club houses artifacts from research expeditions over the last century, including the first exploration to the North Pole to the Apollo 11 moon mission.
Get Ready to Hike
Make your family hikes so much more fun with these hiking tips.
Behind-the-Scenes at the Explorers Club
Tour the unique artifacts, including a yeti scalp and four-tusked elephant, collected by Explorers Club members during research expeditions over the last century.
Belize’s Blue Hole Offers Clues To Mayan Collapse
Sediment cores from around the Yucatán Peninsula support a theory as to what could have led to the Mayans’ demise.
The SciFri Book Club Searches for Lost Cities
Journey into the Amazonian jungle with David Grann’s “The Lost City of Z.”
Engineer A ‘Filter Feeder’
Build and test a water filter inspired by marine filter feeding organisms.
Could an ‘Ocean’ of Water Be Trapped Within the Earth?
Rocks deep within the earth’s mantle could sequester water for billions of years and release small amounts to the surface.
John McPhee Assembles California
In this 1993 interview from the Science Friday archives, writer John McPhee talks plate tectonics and global geology.
Birdie In Flight: The Science of Badminton
The key to the badminton’s speed is the unique aerodynamic shape of the birdie and the kinetic movements by players.
Moving Ice May Mean More Melting for Greenland
By 2060, Greenland’s seasonal “supraglacial” lakes will double in number and move farther inland.