For A Volcanic Prediction, Gaze Into The Crystalline Debris
Researchers are using magma trapped in crystal structures to study the life beneath volcanoes.
An App To Help The Blind ‘See’ The Eclipse
Eclipse Soundscapes will use real-time narration and rumble maps to help the blind experience the eclipse.
Eclipse Party Activities
Spice up your eclipse party with these hands-on activities—and learn a little something about our Sun, Moon, and Earth in the process.
Science Friday Live In Wichita
SciFri is heading to Kansas to tell stories about the science beneath your feet.
How Will Climate Change Hurt The American Economy? Depends On Where You Live
Texas and Florida are in for some pain — but some places in the United States may actually benefit from climate change.
How Do I Safely View A Solar Eclipse?
Seeing a solar eclipse is an opportunity to be part of one of science’s most exciting phenomena. Are you ready?
The Alchemy Of Air
Science writer Sam Kean tells the story of the gases that have shaped human history.
A New Iceberg The Size of Delaware, Peering Into Jupiter’s Red Spot, And A Quantum Photon Entanglement
The cracking Larsen C ice shelf is now 12 percent smaller. Plus, a new close-up of Jupiter’s giant storm.
Creating The Perfect Ice Cube
Researchers at Ohio State University have come the closest yet to mimicking a type of ice crystal found only in earth’s upper atmosphere.
Drilling Into The Secrets Of Roman Concrete
Researchers are working to understand the exceptional durability of an ancient building material.