One Million Animal And Plant Species Are At Risk For Extinction
A new UN report says human interventions are the cause of a global biodiversity crisis.
Dinosaur Poop 101: Fossil Fecal Forensics
Fossilized feces, known as coprolites, are helping paleontologists shed new light on the lifestyles and habits of dinosaurs that fossil bones can’t show.
A 19th-Century Expedition To The Rim Of A Volcano
In a new graphic novel, scientist and polymath Alexander von Humboldt leads an intrepid band of scientists to catalog traces of life in a barren land.
How Will These Long-Lived Trees Adapt To Climate Change?
Bristlecone pines—one of the longest living tree species—has to adapt and change its habitat in the face of climate change.
Tough Times for the World’s Oldest Trees
The bristlecone pine tree can live up to 5,000 years. Will these ancients continue to survive under climate change?
‘My God, It’s Full Of Stars’
Read Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith’s poems influenced by science.
How Climate Change Ruins Snowflakes
How does warm air distort snowflake shapes? And in New York, a citizen science project asks just how bad it is.
Youth-Led Climate Change Protests Heat Up
On Friday, students across the world join together in the Youth Climate Strike to protest government inaction against climate change.
White House Aims To Counter Climate Science
As the nation’s scientists and military leaders sound the alarm on climate change, the White House is assembling a group of climate change skeptics to counter them.
A Night Of Volcanoes And Earthquakes With N.K. Jemisin
Learn how N.K. Jemisin used volcanology and seismology to write ‘The Fifth Season.’