Teenagers Need More Sleep—And They’re Not Getting It
Getting enough sleep is vital for healthy brain development for teens. But outside societal factors prevent this from happening.
Difficult Brain Science Brings Difficult Ethical Questions
As our ability to interpret and manipulate the human brain improves, the need for ethical controls grows as well.
How Grief Rewires The Brain
A neuroscientist explores the science behind heartache.
How The Brain Rewires Itself After Losing A Loved One
Neuroscientist Mary-Frances O’Connor explores what happens in the brain when you experience grief and why it’s a struggle to accept loss.
Why Should You Donate Your Brain To Science?
Despite advances in non-invasive imaging, brain donations are still the gold standard in neuroscience research.
Space-X Booster To Hit The Moon, After Years Of Hurtling Through Space
This may be the first time space junk will collide with the moon.
Understanding The Cannabis-Body Connection With Exercise
The first human study on how cannabis affects exercise sheds light on the body’s endocannabinoid system.
This is Your Brain on Wordle
A social psychologist explains why the popular word game is so addictive.
New Drug Reverses Paralysis In Mice With Spinal Cord Injuries
After receiving an injection of “dancing molecules,” paralyzed mice were able to walk again.
Could Psychedelics Help Treat Depression?
Psilocybin, the psychedelic component of magic mushrooms, may be effective for some patients for whom other antidepressants haven’t worked.