With This Rare Disorder, No Amount Of Sleep Is Enough
A new book explores idiopathic hypersomnia, which causes overwhelming daytime sleepiness despite ample sleep.
Was The Nostalgic Music In ‘Argylle’ Crucial To The Plot?
In the energetic spy adventure, music helps a shy novelist remember who she actually is. There’s some science to how music triggers memories.
Hack Your Brain: Unlock Your Mind’s Secrets
Unlock kids’ brain power with free exciting puzzles, hands-on experiments, written guides, and live expert Q&As.
A ‘Jeopardy!’ Winner Studied How Trivia Experts Recall Facts
How can some people recall random facts so easily? It may have to do with what else they remember about the moment they learned the information.
The Art And Science Of Trash Talk
Author Rafi Kohan explains the psychological and physiological responses to trash talk, ahead of Super Bowl Sunday.
In The Beginning, There Was Smack Talk
An excerpt from Rafi Kohan’s “Trash Talk” explains how talking smack can knock your opponent off their game.
Brain ‘Organoids’: Lab-Grown Cell Clusters Model Brain Functions
Scientists can coax stem cells into clusters that mimic the functions of brain regions, which could help us understand brain disorders.
3,000 Types Of Brain Cells Categorized In Massive Brain Cell Atlas
The new atlas catalogs cell types by the genes they express, which could help medical researchers tailor treatments.
Why It Feels So Good To Eat Chocolate
An artificial tongue helps researchers understand how texture impacts what people like about chocolate.
Music’s Emotional Power Can Shape Memories—And Your Perception Of Time
Researchers used music to elicit different emotions, then looked at how shifts in emotion influenced participants’ memory formation.