These Smartphone Apps Track Every Step of Your Day
“Quantified self” apps count your steps, measure your sleep, and collect a bevy of other details.
Science Fairs 2.0
A report card on the state of science fairs today, and a look into the future.
What’s the Best Way to Dispose of Pet Poop?
Prevent disease by tossing feces in the trash.
Alzheimer’s Potential Missing Link
An existing drug has been shown to block a key protein implicated in Alzheimer’s disease and restore memory in mice.
Diagnosing Self-Destruction
Scientists still have little idea what spurs people to take their own lives.
10 Questions for Eric Kandel
The Nobel Prize winner talks about his passion for science and art, where he does his best thinking, and why he likes bow ties.
Study Correlates Copper Intake and Alzheimer’s in Mice
Could copper in drinking water contribute to Alzheimer’s disease in mice?
Marina Abramovic: Experimenting on Consciousness, Through Art
Performance artist Marina Abramovic wants to build a laboratory devoted to arts and science.
Reading, Writing, ‘Rithmetic . . . and Respect?
Some experts say teaching emotional literacy in school is key to better behavior—and better grades.
Moon Medicine, Super Shrews, Grizzly’s Best Friend, More
Each week we’ll round up links to science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.