To Master Test Material, Give Your Brain a Break
Salvador Dali and Thomas Edison took very brief naps when they were stuck on artistic and scientific problems.
Squishy Circuits
Use two play dough recipes to create “squishy circuits” and explore electricity.
No Waffling on the Numbers
Three delicious math games you can play on your waffles to build math fact fluency and geometry skills, from the folks at Bedtime Math.
What Can We Learn From On-Screen Psychopaths?
Few psychopaths who terrorize the big screen could pass a reality check, but those who do can be used as teaching tools for aspiring psychiatrists.
Can Animals Go Mad?
From depressed dogs to anxious gorillas, author Laurel Braitman explores mental illness in animals.
Animals Can Suffer From Mental Illness, Too
An excerpt from Laurel Braitman’s “Animal Madness.”
What’s So Bad About Being Alone With Your Thoughts?
A study finds that many people would rather shock themselves than be alone with their thoughts.
The Surprisingly Predictable Patterns of Random Choice
In his new book, “Rock Breaks Scissors,” author William Poundstone decodes the patterns in big data, sports, and human behaviors.
‘Do Fathers Matter?’ Explores Dad’s Influence
In his new book, Paul Raeburn writes of the surprising biological and genetic connections fathers have with their children.