Building an Immunity to Fake News
Researchers discover a psychological “vaccine” against misinformation.
After Concussion, What Blood Can Reveal About the Brain
A blood test may help athletes gauge concussion recovery, plus new concerns about the risks for CTE.
What’s Fueling the Current Opioid Epidemic?
Nearly 80 people die each day from overdosing on opioids, which include heroin and prescription pain pills.
Crazy Eights: The Extraordinary Eyes of the Jumping Spider
How does the jumping spider use its eight eyes to make sense of the world?
Breakthrough: A Re-Sounding Remedy
Under the care of hearing researcher Rene Gifford, Allyson Sisler-Dinwiddie became one of the first test subjects of a new technique to improve cochlear implants, devices that use electrodes to stimulate cells in the inner ear.
Reaching for a Space Rock, Nanoparticles in the Brain, and a Missing Audio Jack
Journalist Amy Nordrum outlines the week in science, including NASA’s mission to collect a piece of an asteroid.
This Is Your Brain on Jackson Pollock
In his new book, neuropsychiatrist Eric Kandel explores the relationship between neuroscience and abstract art.
A Wine’s Tint Can Color Your Perception
The color of wine can prime your brain to expect a certain aroma and taste—a detail that’s useful to both winemakers and psychologists.
Why Do We Use Shock Therapy?
Electroconvulsive therapy is generally a safe and effective treatment for depression and other mental illnesses.
Understanding Canine Communication
How do dogs pick up on our tones, gestures, and moods?