Reading A Dog’s Mind
How can you get a glimpse into a dog’s mind? Start with an MRI machine.
What Does Your Dog Really Think About You?
A neuroscientist trains dogs to sit in fMRI scanners to figure out how our prized pets make sense of the world.
Neolithic People Performed Brain Surgery On Cows
Plus, evidence for 19th-century abortion views and California weather that will make your head spin.
These Eyebrows Speak Volumes
New research suggests our brows evolved to be something other than looking fierce.
Do Our Brains Keep Growing As We Age?
More research finds evidence of new cell growth in aging brains. So why do our minds slow down as we get older?
The Color Of Music
Researchers have identified several gene regions linked to synesthesia, an unusual crossover of the senses.
Love On The Surface Of An Eyeball, Life’s First Steps, And Clues From Poop
One woman’s dubious dance with a cow parasite left her rubbing her eyes—and medical experts scratching their heads.
A Temporary Relief For Tinnitus Sufferers
A new way of thinking about hearing loss offers new opportunities for treatment.
Searching For Answers To An Age-Old Question
Researchers continue to chip away at the one thing we all have in common—getting older.
Trapping A Proton, The Speed of A Muscle, And Switching Attention
Plus, the latest on the eruption of volcano Mount Agung on the island of Bali.