Here’s What A Slice Of Mouse Eye Looks Like
A special imaging technology peers inside a mouse eye, revealing the distinct roles that cells play in maintaining retinal health.
Functional Features: The Evolution of the Human Face
Human social interaction may have been the reason faces evolved to be varied and unique.
Jumping Spider Shake Down
Can you match each jumping spider dance to its vibratory song?
Shake Your Silk-Maker: The Dance of the Peacock Spider
With their ornately-colored fur, rhythmic pulsations, and booty-shaking dance moves, male peacock spiders attract the attention of spectating females as well as researchers.
One For All: A Natural Resources Game
In this game from Population Education, students must use cooperative decision making strategies to manage a renewable resource.
The BioArcade
Biologist Oliver Medvedik and computer programmer Keith Comito developed a kit where live single-celled organisms play a game called the BioArcade.
Supermassive Dinosaur Would Have ‘Feared Nothing’
Scientists estimate the dinosaur Dreadnoughtus schrani would have weighed as much as a Boeing 737.
Electric Bacteria Form Nanowires, Shoot Out Electrons
USC’s Moh El-Naggar says engineers hope to harness bacterial energy using fuel cells.
Less Flashy Fossils Offer Paleoclimate Clues
Uncharismatic microfauna, such as insects and mollusks, are giving scientists at La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles a glimpse of the city’s cool, humid past.
Can the Bacteria in Your Gut Send Messages to Your Brain?
Researchers discuss how the microbiome might play a role in anxiety, depression, and autism.