Science Friday Discussion: Negotiating the Challenges of Teaching Evolution
Learn from experienced educators how to teach evolution in communities where evolution is controversial and browse classroom evolution resources.
The Pot-Stirrer: Teaching Evolution In The South
Amanda Glaze studies the perceptions of evolution and their religious and societal influences in the American Southeast.
Babies On The Brink
A series of rigorous (and adorable) experiments shatters the myth that babies learn to fear heights as they learn to crawl.
‘Hellish’ Conditions Gave Spark to Life on Earth
The early Earth was no place for life as we know it: Belching volcanoes, meteor strikes, hydrogen cyanide and a healthy bombardment of ultraviolet rays.
When a Seven-Foot-Long Arthropod Swam the Seas
Fossils found in Morocco might help explain how modern-day insects, crustaceans, and other arthropods got their shapes.
Fossil Jaw Turns Back Clock on Human Evolution
A newly discovered fossil jaw pushes the date of Homo’s evolution back to 2.8 million years ago.
Dawn of the Cyborg Bacteria
In a basement laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania, two roboticists have harnessed the sensing, swimming, and swarming abilities of bacteria to power microscopic robots.
The Hidden Beauty Of The Human Placenta
Though discarded after birth, the placenta builds the first vital connection between mother and fetus.
Dawn of the Cyborg Bacteria
In a basement laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania, two robotocists have harnessed the sensing, swimming, and swarming abilities of bacteria to power microscopic robots.
How Can We Build Homes That Are Resistant to Mold?
Test which building materials will be resistant to mold after a flood or hurricane.