Monster Microbiology, 101
If werewolves and other ghouls existed, they’d surely have microbiomes.
Monster Microbiome Mash
Just in time for Halloween, scientists Rob Dunn and Amanda Hale imagine what the microbiomes of werewolves, vampires, and other monsters might entail.
Sniffing Out Warnings From the Scent of Death
Researchers suggest that putrescine—a compound found in corpses—can trigger our defensive responses.
Diary of a Snake Bite Death
This week’s Macroscope video follows the detailed diary of herpetologist Karl P. Schmidt as he was dying from the venom of a snake bite.
Diary Of A Snakebite Death
Karl P. Schmidt, famed snake expert and herpetologist, made a detailed scientific account of the effect of venom from a snake bite in the human body—his body.
2015 Nobel Prizes: Mysteries of the Cosmos and Our DNA
This year’s crop of Nobel Prizes were unveiled this week, and the awards go to parasite-zapping drugs, a DNA repair kit, and the mystery of missing neutrinos.
Could Gene Therapy Be One Step Closer to the Clinic?
An experimental gene therapy for treating congenital blindness is reported to have positive outcomes in a Phase III clinical trial.
Meet Homo Naledi, Another Long-Lost Relative
Deep in a South African cave, in the so-called “dark zone” where no light penetrates, paleoanthropologists have made an extraordinary find: more than 1,500 bones, from at least 15 hominin individuals.
Pedaling Through Pollution
Using biometric sensors, a wearable pollution monitor, and GPS, the a new study will detail cyclists’ exposure to toxins as they bike through city streets.
Macroscope Video: A Cure for the Colorblindness Blues
Using gene therapy, visionary researchers Maureen and Jay Neitz may have finally created a cure for the colorblindness blues.