Sleeping Cutie: The Hibernation Habits Of Dwarf Lemurs
Dwarf lemurs and humans share a significant gene that could influence the future of heart surgery and space travel.
What Makes A Species Human?
Researchers have discovered a new species of ancient human—but its placement on the human family tree is still up for debate.
The Little Plankton Recorder That Could
For half a century, a humble metal box has scoured the seas for plankton. Nowadays, it’s more likely to find plastic.
How The Sap Runs
Scientists tap into how trees move gallons of fluids from the ground to the atmosphere every day. Plus, the freeze-thaw secrets of sugar maple trees.
Now Screening: Cephalopod Movie Night!
Cephalopod Movie Night returns! From June 21 to 28, celebrate our favorite undersea creatures with Science Friday at 10 cities across the nation.
Tough Times for the World’s Oldest Trees
The bristlecone pine tree can live up to 5,000 years. Will these ancients continue to survive under climate change?
How To Catch The Flu (Under The Lens)
Since 1983, electron microscopist Cynthia Goldsmith has captured the beauty of deadly viruses.
On The Frontier Of An Alzheimer’s Cure
A combination of pulsing light and sound can reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s in mouse brains. Meanwhile, another top drug candidate has failed clinical trials.
Boeing 737 Max Grounded As Crash Investigation Continues
Aviation regulators around the world removed Boeing’s 737 Max 8 jets from service following two crashes within six months.
Primatologist Frans de Waal Explores Animal Emotions
In his book “Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us About Ourselves,” primatologist Frans de Waal catalogues the vast spectrum of emotional behaviors in animals.