The Chicken-And-Egg Problem Of The Origin Of Life
In a new book, astrophysicist Mario Livio describes how the existence of life on Earth can be traced back to an RNA-based “protocell.”
Mission Stellar Health: Train Like An Astronaut
Discover how astronauts exercise to stay fit in space. Then use engineering design to create innovative health solutions for Earth.
How A Diver And Artist Brought A Mysterious Octopus To Light
In 1990, diver Arcadio Rodaniche’s findings about a highly social octopus were dismissed. Decades later, his work was validated.
Using DNA To Boost Digital Data Storage And Processing
Researchers are harnessing DNA’s incredible capacity for information storage by turning genetic code into binary code.
Training Dogs To Stop The Spread Of Spotted Lanternflies
The invasive insects often lay eggs on vehicles and shipped goods. Now researchers are training dogs to sniff them out before they hatch.
How One Photo Of A Flower Reignited A Species Debate
A new photo of a long-forgotten flower showed up online. Identifying it means getting into the tricky question of how a species is defined.
Make Ancient Ink With The Help Of Oak Tree Parasites
Bring history to life through biology and chemistry as you make iron oak gall ink like Leonardo da Vinci did.
Dinosaurs’ Secrets Might Be In Their Fossilized Poop
Analyzing fossilized feces, called coprolites, is key to better understanding ancient ecosystems and dinosaur diets.
If You Were A Scientist, Which Olympic Event Would You Study?
Are you obsessed with precision? Captivated by speed? Intrigued by social dynamics? Find out what sport satisfies your scientific brain.
To Stop Spotted Lanternflies, These Dogs Are Sniffing Them Out
A citizen science project is turning canines into crop protectors, and challenging what researchers know about dogs’ powerful noses.