Where Did The Word ‘Vaccine’ Come From?
The story of the first vaccine begins with a disease, a milkmaid, and a cow named Blossom.
Name That Call: Test Your Animal Sound Trivia
Can you guess the chirp, squeak, and growl? Put your knowledge to the test in our quiz with Google Earth.
These Worms Are Superheroes Of The Sea
Tube worms! Zombie worms! Gossamer worms! This week’s Charismatic Creature Corner dives into the weird, beautiful, and amazing world of marine polychaetes.
How Did Dogs Evolve To Be Domesticated?
Using 11,000-year old dog genomes, scientists have traced the evolution of the domesticated dog.
Mapping Out The ‘Microbial Skyscrapers’ On Your Tongue
Researchers are trying to understand the relationships between communities of bacteria in the human mouth.
The Case Of The Vanishing Scallops
Scientists are rushing to understand why Long Island’s shellfish are dying at an alarming rate.
David Attenborough Observes A Natural World In Crisis
The esteemed filmmaker and naturalist is still calling attention to wonder—and peril—in the natural world.
Tapping Into The Slime Mind
From ant colonies to single-celled slime mold, biologist Audrey Dussutour explores the wonders of animal cognition.
Laugh Along At Home With The Ig Nobel Awards
While the Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony might seem different this year, its celebration of strange and silly science remains.
The Complicated Sex Lives Of Butterflies
It involves these large, elaborate mating plugs.